Monday, February 1, 2010

"Latest Stimulus Report Fuels Jobs Pressure"

macroeconomics-The big picture: analysing economy-wide phenomena such as growth, inflation, and unemployment.

funds-money; or sometimes, money plus assets which could be converted to money.

food stamp- A stamp or coupon, issued by the government to persons with low incomes, that can be redeemed for food at stores.

The recipients of economic-stimulus money said that only 599,108 workers were being paid by the funds in the last quarter of 2009, which was way less than the actual number of jobs that had already been accounted for in the package about seven months ago when the package was first put into work. Of course, this made the recipients enraged so they made reports on an official government site about the $787 billion package and others (opinions) feel that it is not even working. White house press secretary said that they were currently trying to work on a bill for jobs that would cost 100 billion, President Obama is hoping that the Senate can tackle this issue ASAP!! But not to bash them, he addressed in his State of the Union that many would be unemployed had it not been for all the steps they have taken to "build" the economy. Vice President Joe Biden seemed to think otherwise saying that the stimulus package was on track and the number of 599,108 was only a glimpse of whom actually received funds. Mr. Gibbs expressed his point that although we have not created all the jobs we wanted, it is still important that stimulus money or recovery is gained so that all small buisness can regain their confidence and faith again. Stimulus recipients had reported that they had directly "created or saved" 640,329 jobs by Sept. 30, but some people reported saving jobs when they had actually spent the money on pay raises or paying employees who were not in danger of being laid off. In December, the White House Office of Management and Budget decided to enforce this and actually couting salaries instead of guessing ! I think that the stimulus package is not a bad idea, becasue it did create and save jobs. Our unemployment rate will not magically change over night, it will take time and people should understand that. As for those who have abused this opputunity, I am very disgusted that anyone would take away from others. I cannot believe how deceiving our country can be. I think as an result that, over time the stimulus package will come in handy and that more and more job growth will occur which would hopefully be a reult of confident employers hiring new people ! :)


1 comment:

  1. I like how you defined your terms at the top. Great choice of article. Be sure to always spell check your writing. Also, you might want to explain who Mr. Gibbs is for your readers. In your upcoming blogs, explain every important person who your readers may not be familiar with. Great start!!
